Show notes originally posted by Nevik
In this episode, we reminisce about the amazing time we all had at Blizzcon 2013 and are already planning how next year will be bigger, badder and better. We then get down to business by discussing what we’ve been up to in-game: Jen is nearing 50 with their Demon Hunter, Breja is nearing 60 with his Demon Hunter, Lanntonio (figuratively) gives the boot to his puke doctor, and Nevik finally joins the 100 club.
In this episode:
* We read, and respond to, a mountain of emails we received from our wonderful listeners. This batch comes to us from Grand Nagus, Master Do, Scanline, Doug, and Str8UpJack. Thank you for the emails! Keep them coming, really!
* We received tweets from @shawno, @Hastuer, @grindexp, @Torrack1714, @HomeTownHero008, @scanline75, @JCMonkeyD3, @pergosmaster, @Jaetch, @Cybrwolf0, @hpbotha, @Medros, @Rilandune, @Lylirra, and @CM_Nevalistis. Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
* We posed the question on Twitter as to when you think the closed beta will be available and mere days later the Friends and Family Beta starts up. We have perfect timing, really. Be sure to follow our show account, @ShatteredStone, on Twitter for future Questions of the Show.
* With the Reaper of Souls Friends and Family Beta officially underway it shouldn’t be any surprise that beta talk dominated most of the show. We were very fortunate enough to be included in the first wave of invites and still have perma-grins on our faces. We share our early experiences with the beta from the great to the not-so-great, but you’ll have to listen for the juicy details.
* Round Two of the Design-a-Legendary project has come to a close and the results have been published, we’re getting a Mephisto-themed 1-handed sword! Almost makes up for the lack of creativity in the selection of the weapon-type, almost. Hopefully the developers will run with the suggestion we’ve made and make this weapon specialized for a melee Demon Hunter. We can dream, can’t we?
* After a brief hiatus from the show, Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater makes a return with an amusing forum thread from a user that clearly has the ears of the developers. As always we are looking for your participation with this fun segment, send your Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater audio segments (or humorous forum threads) to
This episode’s Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater segment bed music included Rondeau from Sinfonie de Fanfares by Jean-Joseph Mouret and Lost by Pogo.
Links for you to Visit:
* You’ve heard us mention that all four of us were going to be apart of World of Podcasts the night before Blizzcon, now the video and audio from that night is available. Note: the audio from the video of the Diablo 3 panel is pretty terrible, but check out the audio from the entire night over at the World of Podcasts site.
* We mentioned #StoryTimewithWyatt a few times during the show which occurred near the end of Blizzcon 2013 day 2 where a number of fansite/community folks cornered Wyatt inside the Community Corner. Like you, we weren’t able to partake in this experience but fortunately /r/Diablo user Menagese recounted the experience for the rest of us.
* Ever wonder what it would sound like if the Fire Lord Ragnaros was voiced by Michael Gough (Deckard Kain)? Well here’s the result!
* Relive the hijinks of Jesse Cox cosplaying as Leah at Blizzcon 2013 day 1 including a riveting interview the Skeleton King (Queen?) and the MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION ever asked at a Lore Q&A EVAAAR. (No seriously, really).
* If you’re itching for every shred of Diablo-related information out of Blizzcon 2013, community manager Nevalistis compiled an exhaustive list rounding up all of the community coverage for our beloved game.
* The Colorado Symphony must be full of loot deviants because they recently performed Leah’s Theme from Diablo III. It’s quite stunning to hear played live.
* Tatasinke is back with another edition of his newspaper, the New Tristram News. Check it out and subscribe!
Song of the Show:
Even though the closing of the auction is still months away, we felt like it would only be appropriate to highlight a song whose subject matter centers around it. Fili-C Note’s Diablo 3 Real Money Auction House (I Get Money) is a humorous rap-parody song that is very catchy. Be forewarned that there is a tiny-bit of language present.
Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to
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