Show notes originally posted by Nevik
In this episode, we are sans the Breja as he was out celebrating a friend’s 40th birthday. Fortunately the stars aligned for the rest of the crew to sit down and get down to business by discussing what we’ve been up to in-game: Jen is within spitting distance of reaching Hell, Lanntonio is Death and Waiting, and Nevik is slowly transitioning to the hardcore mentality!
In this episode:
* We read, and respond to, another pair of emails we received from our wonderful listeners. This batch comes to us from Commander Bird and Lord Bacon! Thank you for the emails! Keep them coming!
* We received tweets from @the_ilude, @CkRtech, @The_Breja, @Lylirra, @nevikjames, @Tatasinke, @Rilandune, @Medros, @theRealJFrench! Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
* BLIZZCON 2013 was announced (November 8th and 9th in Anaheim, California)! We discuss our excitement about the possibility of going and the loooooooong road trip it will be for Nevik. Are you planning on going? Let us know! We’re hoping to have some healthy community representation.
* We had more to discuss other than the Blizzcon announcement as Blizzard unexpectedly had a presence at the Sony Playstation 4 event by announcing Diablo III for Playstation 3 annnnd 4. We share our thoughts and opinions on Diablo returning to consoles as well as some of the other details that surfaced after the announcement.
* As if we didn’t have enough to discuss, Travis Day published an Itemization blog about changes that he and the rest of the development team are looking to implement in Patch 1.0.8 and beyond.
* We attempt to explain the recent shift of the auction house bidding system to the Vikrey auction system. Sadly we were without our dear Breja to better explain it, so we’ll be sure to address the topic in our next episode.
* We mentioned a thread, The Salvation of Diablo 3: A Guide by Gosu, but did not have time to dig in to it. Instead we decided to give the post a more prominent discussion and allow YOU to contribute your own thoughts. So give the thread a gander, take some notes, collect your thoughts and then send us an email, or participate on our forums to discuss some or all of the points Gosu brought up.
Links for you to Visit:
* Sibcoe and Dred are back along with another episode which you can now find on iTunes! Check out Red Team Gaming‘s on-going youtube series: State of the Game: Diablo 3 — Part 16.
* Speaking of the fine gents of Red Team Gaming, be sure to check out Dred’s site Diablo Expressions and Sibcoe’s official Red Team Gaming site. There you will find links to consume everything Dred and Sibcoe are producing.
* Another fantastic collection of Diablo resources and news is Tatasinke’s New Tristram News site. Head on over and check it out!
* We seem to be on a hardcore kick and mention an interview over at Diablo IncGamers with Protatoe about reaching Paragon level 100 after losing a Paragon level 98 Barbarian.
* DeviantArt user Tamplier Painter has some amazing artwork. Check out this amazing piece of fan art of the Archangel of Hope, Auriel, as well as the rest of their work!
* Nevik shoe-horned a mention of an AMAZING video he found of Taylor Davis of Apothoeosis performing a fantastic piece of music — in costume no less — from the Playstation 3 game Journey. If you own a PS3 you owe it yourself to experience Journey.
Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to
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