Episode 56 – Frozen Crickets

Show notes originally posted by Nevik

In this episode, we are sadly once again without our 4th Musketeer, Lanntonio, but we persevere and get down to business by discussing what we’ve been up to in-game: Breja is nearing the end with his barbarian, Jen has spent some time on a crusade, and Nevik lost his hardcore, self-found, solo, no-stash wizard.

In this episode:

* We read, and respond to, a solitary email we received from one of our wonderful listeners. Thank you for the email Smokimus! Keep them coming, really!

* We received tweets from @pergosmaster, @Rilandune, @Hawgeye_CTR, @VictorCaslstedt, @HomeTownHero008, and @eG_acefisher1. Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as FacebookGoogle+, and Twitter.

* Have you looked at a calendar recently? February 4th is quickly approaching which means Nate Kenyon‘s newest novel, Diablo III: Storm of Light, will soon be available for us to consume. If you can’t wait that long Blizzard recently posted an excerpt from the novel.

“Then tell us what insights you have gained from Chalad’ar, Wisdom,” Imperius said, his voice mocking once again. “Tell us what to do with the stone. The Council has been divided on this for too long. Or are the rumors among the angels correct, and you have yet to consult the chalice?”

* We discuss, at length, the merits of allowing the unpopular closed beta (and 2.0.1 PTR) builds to linger over the holidays. Should a new build have been ready to go prior to Christmas or shortly after New Years? Has letting it linger damaged the public perception of Reaper of Souls? We discuss both sides of the argument and are looking for your input as well, send your thoughts to show@shatteredsoulstone.com.

* Speaking of beta builds for Reaper of Souls, Blizzard recently announced that the pre-download for Diablo III: Reaper of Souls is being targeted for the end of January now live.

“No One Can Stop Death” by wacalac

Links for you to Visit:

* During Nevik’s “rant” on the current state of the Reaper of Souls beta he failed to mention that our good friend Sibcoe over at Red Team Gaming put together his thoughts and opinions — which mirrored Nevik’s own — in a more eloquent manner. Below you will find links to what Sibcoe published:

Monster density has been a very polarizing topic on the Diablo III forums and Sibcoe from Red Team Gaming had something to add to the discussion.


Blizzard is big on “super-balancing” almost to a fault and Sibcoe from Red Team Gaming discusses the merits of needing over-powered builds in an ARPG.


* We missed it last episode and failed to mention it, but Sibcoe from Red Team Gaming reignited his State of Diablo III series with the twentieth installment featuring guests Jaetch and Dred from GrindEXP.com.


* Ever wondered what a Diablo-themed Hearthstone would look like? DeviantArt user Dexistor371 has you covered with his mock-up concept Soulstone: Heroes of Pandemonium.

* Were you fortunate enough to attend Blizzcon? Did you run into Maghda? If you answered no to either of these questions we have you covered. DeviantArt user FirstKeeper published a professionally taken photograph. It should certainly make you wish Maghda had a larger role in Diablo III; we know Rho certainly wishes she did.

Tatasinke is back with another edition of his Paper.li newspaper, the New Tristram News. Check it out and subscribe!

Song of the Show:

Melkor is back with another Diablo inspired rap, this time expanding the focus beyond Critical Mass, the passive of the soon to be past. His latest musical creation, titled Diablo: A Love Story, features guest vocals by FloMaxx. Our good friend Jaetch lended a hand and put together the music video to pull everything together. We hope you enjoy it!


Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to Show@ShatteredSoulstone.com.

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