Show notes originally posted by Nevik
In this LONG OVERDUE episode, we work out our scheduling difficulties and get together to record once again. After dusting off a month’s worth of podcasting rust we attempt to keep the show on the rails and get down to business by discussing what we’ve been up to in-game: Lanntonio cleared Inferno on the PS3, Nevik has ANOTHER level 60 wizard, Breja squeezed in a tiny bit of time on the Demon Hunter, and Jen has completed the game has cleared Inferno!
In this episode:
* We read, and respond to, a mountain of emails we received from our wonderful listeners. This batch comes to us from Tensor, Master Do, Rathmaker, and Torrack. Thank you for the emails! Keep them coming, really!
* We received tweets from @scanline75, @Torrack1714, @Cybrwolf0, @JCMonkeyD3, and @grindexp. Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
* In case you didn’t notice the special intro, the Shattered Soulstone has hit the 50th episode milestone and turned 2 years old! Thank you for being apart of our dear community and coming along with us on the wild ride the show has proven to be.
* Once again we talk about ladders and how dangerous they can be. Oh wait, wrong kind of ladder. Oops! In all seriousness the subject of ladders fosters an interesting debate. Are you planning on starting all over for a new ladder season? Let us know by sending us a tweet or email!
* Following the announcement of auction house removal we discuss the potential for monetization going forward after the announcement of new virtual items to accessorize your Playstation Home and Xbox 360 Avatars with.
* Unfortunately we did not get around to recording our newest segment, Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater, but fear not as it will be making a return for our next episode. To ensure adequate OFTMT represenetation why not head on over to the Official Diablo III forums and record your own reenactment, or hip us to a hilarious thread. Send your Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater audio segments to
Links for you to Visit:
* If you are unable to attend Blizzcon 2013 and are picking up the Virtual Ticket our parent network, The Dawnforge, is looking for guest-hosts to represent and report on the Diablo-related news at the event. If you would like to guest-host during Dawnforge’s Blizzcon coverage shoot an email to the Papa Kangaroo himself:
* Friend of the show, Jaetch, is back with another wizard build video featuring his Ninja wizard Linessa. While it takes amazing gear to pull the build off in MP10, you can have success even with lesser gear in lower MPs. Give it a shot!
* Our minds have been blown by TaeHyeon Hong’s papercraft artistry of Diablo and Tyrael. Absolutely stunning work, and with paper no less! Head on over his blog for a ton of impressive detail shots of his work.
* There’s still time left to submit your amazing Diablo (or Blizzard) themed pumpkin carving for Blizzard’s Pumpkin Carving Contest 2013. You have until October 29th!
* Nevik failed to mention it during our discussion on ladders in the show, but we suggest you check out Xanth‘s Post Paragon 100 article over at Diablo.IncGamers.
* Listener and friend of the show, Cybrwolf, wrote up a review on the Book of Tyrael on Amazon’s listing for the book. You might just be a tad surprised with the content of his review.
* Brace yourselves folks (and you can blame Master Do for this)! It is time to chill out with some Ice, Ice Baby.
* Remember when Nevik told you all to go out and buy the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow soundtrack? Well, he was a tad off on its availability but come October 29th you will finally be able to pick up this amazing piece of work by composer Oscar Araujo.
* Tatasinke is back with another edition of his newspaper, the New Tristram News. Check it out and subscribe!
Song of the Show:
After not having a song to share last episode, we come back strong with a song whose subject matter is near and dear to Nevik’s heart. Check out part 4 of Melkor’s Critical Mass: A Love Story! Be sure to check out more from Melkor on his YouTube channel.
Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to
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