Show notes originally posted by Nevik
Listen on as we discuss the major nuances of Patch 1.0.8, our excitement for as well as the potential downsides of the monster density change, whether the social feature improvements are enough, what we feel is missing from the patch, and how basic everything basically is, basically.
Joining us for this round table was 9pad (@9PadGaming), Dave Dienforce Adams (@Dienforce) from the now defunct Diablo Off the Record and Dungeon Crawler podcasts, Jaime (@JCMonkeyD3), Jesse aka Saintly Demon (@HomeTownHero008), Mach1, Overtime, Scanline (@scanline75), and Torrack (@Daladria).
If you couldn’t make it to our Patch 1.0.8 community round table fret not, there will be more round tables in the future. You can expect a round table for each substantial patch as Diablo 3 matures into the game we all want it to be. So go download Mumble to join in on the fun with us.
Quick Note: You’ll notice at times the audio during the round table community isn’t quite all … that great. Somehow Nevik’s recording levels didn’t mesh well with Mumble. It’s still quite listenable, but hopefully next time it will be a lot better.
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