Show notes originally posted by Nevik
In this episode, we open the show a little … differently on account of what might be perceived to be the darkest day in Diablo 3’s history. After sharing our thoughts on what transpired we get down to business by discussing what we’ve been up to in-game: Breja level capped his wizard, Jen was able to sneak in some time with their launch-night demon hunter, Lanntonio is fully vested in hardcore, and Nevik did another thing he thought he would never do!
In this episode:
* We read, and respond to, another mountain of emails we received from our wonderful listeners. This batch comes to us from Torrack, Master Do, and Commander Bird. Thank you for the email! Keep them coming, really!
* We received tweets from @Dienforce, @shawno, @Rilandune, @Medros, @eG_acefisher1, @Daladria, @HometownHero008, @Lylirra, and our very own @The_Breja! Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
* We discuss, at length, the arrival of patch 1.0.8 and the infamous gold dupe bug that proliferated the softcore community and the fallout from for as long as it was available to be exploited. Darkest day in Diablo 3’s history? Quite possibly, but we wrap up the discussion with some positives that we can hope to see come from this debacle.
* In case you don’t follow us on Twitter and missed the exciting announcement, ALL of the Shattered Soulstone will be in attendance at Blizzcon 2013! GET HYPE! We can’t wait for November, but thankfully it is still a ways off to give us plenty of time to plan out what special things we’ll be doing at Blizzcon.
* Next week we will see Diablo 3 turn one year old (well, based on its launch day at least ^^) and we will be holding an event to celebrate! For more details head on over to our Diablo 3 Anniversary Event page.
* We also see the return of a certain special sound-bite. No idea what it could be, really. No really, we have no idea. Nope. Definitely couldn’t be related to something red and intoxicating. NOPE. No way.
We’re still looking for intro submissions for our Intro Contest. Prizes haven’t been nailed down, but at the very least you could win a $20 (US) Balance Card! Send your intros to Keep them shorter than 45 seconds (30 preferably) and make sure to utilize royalty-free music or music from Diablo 3. Deadline for this contest has also not been nailed down, but we’re hoping to have a new intro in time for the anniversary of Diablo 3 going live.
Links for you to Visit:
* Sibcoe and Dred are back and joined by a familiar voice from State of Diablo 3 past as Ken rejoins Red Team Gaming to discuss the current state of Diablo 3 in the 18th installment of Red Team Gaming’s on-going series: State of Diablo 3. One warning though, this episode is a little more heavy on language and is at times NSFW, so we will only be including the link.
* Tatasinke continues to pump out regular editions of his New Tristram News newspaper. Check it out and subscribe!
* Xanth produces the fantastic column, One Life to Live, over at and recently had a chance to share the enthralling story, Knocking at Death’s Door, of hardcore (near)death of Galxx, a paragon 90 barbarian played by a 54 year old Chicago’ian woman. If this doesn’t get you pumped to play hardcore, we don’t know what will.
* Artist ChaoYuanXu recently completed a breath-taking piece of art featuring the Archangel of Justice (well Wisdom … now), Tyrael. Check out ChaoYuanXu’s other amazing pieces of art over at
* Back in April Blizzard shared the amazingly cute fan art by Crimson-Nemesis with their Fan Creation of the Week blog post on the official site. Check out more of Crimson-Nemesis’ artwork over at
* Finally we round out a trifecta of art with an amazing rendition of Mephisto’s Visage by artist/sculptor Evernight. For more pictures of this amazing piece of art, check out the forum thread created by Evernight.
Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to
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