Accessibility – Episode 351

In this episode, I start off by pointing out some really wonderful things some game companies are doing to make their games more accessible. I talked about gaming companies that are harming their workers, and how that can be discussed ethically by news writers and video makers. There is also plenty of exciting Diablo related content.

Things mentioned in this episode:

  • Hearthstone made their “Voyage to the Sunken City Cinematic Trailer” accessible to people who are blind or have low-vision
  • Microsoft added automatic image descriptions to Microsoft Edge (which helps people who use screen readers)
  • Ubisoft’s Senior Manager of Disability David Tisserand was asked about accessibility in their games
  • @StacyofGotham praised @tunicgame for its accessibility options (that can be turned on or off)
  • Kotaku posted an article titled: “EA and Gearbox Sign Letter Opposing Anti-Trans Bill in Texas”
  • @awildjessichu tweeted about admitting that there are major ethical problems with how MOST games are made.
  • @CODE_CWA tweeted an endorsement for Senator Elizabeth Warren’s “Probing Anticompetitive Mergers Act” ahead of the Microsoft-Activision Deal.
  • CWA posted a press relate with more information about that.
  • Bungie is providing humanitarian support to Ukraine through Direct Relief and International Rescue Communities
  • VentureBeat posted an article titled: “Despite its beautiful Ori games, Moon Studios is called an ‘oppressive’ place to work”
  • The Hollywood Reporter posted an article titled: “Megadeals Roil Video Game Worker Unionization Efforts”
  • People Make Games posted a YouTube video titled: “Investigating Three Indie Superstars Accused of Emotional Abuse”
  • Blizzard Entertainment highlighted Senior UX Researcher Nikki Crenshaw
  • Blizzard Entertainment highlighted Community Manager Alkali Layke
  • @Diablo posted a “FREE DEMONS – NEED GOOD HOMES” ad.
  • Wyatt Chang posted a thread that included a link to a job for a Senior Systems Designer – Diablo Immortal
  • Diablo 3 PTR 2.7.3 has had some updates added
  • Annacake tweeted a short video about Echoing Nightmare
  • BigDaddyDen posted a YouTube video titled: “[NEW PTR UPDATE !] Echoing Nightmare Testing 2.7.3 Diablo 3”
  • @Diablo tweeted some information about set item bonus changes for Patch 2.4 of Diablo II: Resurrected
  • Dbrrunski posted a YouTube video titled: “Patch 2.4 – My Final Thoughts with Ladder just around the corner – Diablo 2 Resurrected”
  • @Trixmegistus tweeted a short Diablo II: Resurrected clip where she found something cool
  • @KrestoTheArtist posted a fan art painting titled: “Diablo, The Lord of Terror”
  • @Xtimus posted a screenshot of the first ever website for Battle Net from 1996
  • HeroesCCL Season 4 LAN Finals will take place at Mall of America

Where to find Jen’s Diablo Content Creation:

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One thought on “Accessibility – Episode 351

  1. Hey Jen, I would like to offer an open invitation to you and anyone else who may be interested in joining a casual, friendly D3 community for Season 26. We support players at any level with Challenge Rift, Seasonal Journey/Theme, gear checks, etc. The name of our D3 community is Children Of Lilith and you can also find us at my Gazerrick Twitch channel.

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