Episode 99 – Cobalt is 3007

Show notes originally posted by Nevik

In our 99th episode, Breja and Nevik are back to share stories in and out of game. With a few tangents out of the way we dive straight to business and talk about what we’ve been up to: Breja finally found some Jeram’s Bracers, and Nevik made a push with his Barbarian.

In this episode:

  • We had one of those rare occurrences where we did not receive an email from one of our wonderful listeners. Listener participation has been absolutely amazing and is primarily why we do this show, so keep them coming! We WILL get to all the emails we receive, even if occasionally we have to push a few to the next episode. Send in your stories of RNGesus triumph to Show@ShatteredSoulstone.com!
  • Last weekend was DOUBLE BOUNTY BAG weekend! Did you split-farm and acquire more act-specific materials than you know to do with? Hopefully we will see more weekends with special community buffs in the future.
  • Sadly no Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater this week, but it WILL be back. Next week? Maybe? Your participation can ensure that this fun segment makes an appearance every show. Send your Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater audio segments (or humorous forum threads) to Show@ShatteredSoulstone.com.

Links for you to Visit:

Other Entertainment/Games:

  • First off, we’re sorry. We did not hold back on our Fear the Walking Dead discussion. We took a very deep dive and talked about almost every aspect of episode 5, but it was necessary to fully explore our feelings and come out the other side more positive than going in.
  • Fan of musicals? Breja and familia do and recently started watching Glee and they are really enjoying it.
  • The Amazing Race is back and is always entertaining. Be sure to catch this show Friday nights on CBS.

Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to Show@ShatteredSoulstone.com.

Show Links:

2 thoughts on “Episode 99 – Cobalt is 3007

  1. I don’t know who the host of the show is, but you talk far too much about what you did in D3, while your co-host sits silent after summing up his experience in a few short minutes. Also, write down some notes before a show so that your thoughts are clear – you stammer and ramble about nothing far too often.

    1. You are right that I occasionally stammer too much, but that’s not for a lack of show notes (that you’re not privy to). That’s who I am, accept me for what I am, or simply move on, that’s fine.

      As for rambling on for too long about what I had been up to, you must be a new listener to the show? That’s what we do. If that’s not entertaining to you, that’s fine. This show isn’t for everyone. We try to make it as approachable as possible, therefore we try to be a personable as possible while recording the show.

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