Show notes originally posted by Nevik
In this episode, we lament the fact that a month has passed since our last show. Nevertheless we get back to it and get down to business by discussing what we’ve been up to in-game: Lanntonio can’t stay mad at Diablo, Breja has a case of the altisms, Nevik has a new favorite “second child,” and Jen dinged 70 on 37!
In this episode:
* We unfortunately did not receive a single email from one of our wonderful listeners. We want to hear from you, so send us your stories of triumph or RNG woe! WE REALLY DO! So we won’t be recording episode 63 until we get at least one! … Okay, okay … we’re just joking about the “not recording thing” ^^
* We received a mountain of tweets from @Bloodfalcon, @Paidtokill5440, @Torrack1714, @Jaetch, @candlesan, @ig_nateward, @JCMonkeyD3, @Rilandune, @sadromeo, @Kagerai_Leblue, @shawno, @scanline75, @Goatking_1216, @VictorCarlstedt, @grindexp, @HomeTownHero008, @Melkorious, @astrovert, @CkRtech, @Hawgeye_CTR. Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
* We posed the question on Twitter asking how your progression is going in Reaper of Souls now that we’re a month in. We got quite a few responses despite the short notice on the question going live. Be sure to follow our show account, @ShatteredStone, on Twitter for future Questions of the Show.
* Blizzcon 2014 was FINALLY announced! NOVEMBER 7th and 8th! Are you going? Even if you don’t get a ticket? Or maybe participating in one of the many Blizzcon contests? We are not sure how many of us will be making the trip, but Breja has expressed that he’s planning on being there. As for the rest of us … yah, we’ll get back to you on that.
* Jen has been taking part in a “letter of the day” (semi)daily blogging challenge and decided to run with a Diablo theme for the challenge. We approve whole-heartedly! Check out this series of blogs as well as all of her Diablo blogging exploits!
* With Reaper being a month old a number of us have been stricken with the alt-bug and have been playing all the classes! If you’re starting to burn out, it might be a good time to try out a new class, or a new build. Not sure on what to try? DiabloFans class build guide web-hub has you covered with a number of compiled build guides from their community; check it out!
* Awhile back we mentioned the Reaper of Souls Fan Art contest going on over at DeviantArt. Well, that contest concluded (long ago) and the winners were announced! We don’t envy the judges as all of the semi-finalists were amazing (witch doctor’s withstanding ^^). Check out all of the winners and submissions at the official contest page.
* You may have noticed that last episode we did not have an Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater for you. While we can’t always promise that this segment will always make an appearance, we do love a good OFTMPT. This time we bring you a story of RNG woe as forum user Glythe dons his tin-foil hat in regards to “arbitrarily generated loot tables.”
As always we are looking for your participation with this fun segment, send your Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater audio segments (or humorous forum threads) to
This episode’s Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater segment bed music included Rondeau from Sinfonie de Fanfares by Jean-Joseph Mouret and Pannonia Boundless by Alexandra Vrebalov.
Links for you to Visit:
If you were not already aware our editor, Shawn, is in-between jobs and could really use some help. If you can spare anything there is a Crowdtilt fund to help make ends meet. We are massively grateful for any help you can send his way. Thank you!
* Are you whirling dervish in the kitchen? Kierpanda of Eat Game Live has teamed up with Blizzard to hold a REAPER OF RECIPES culinary contest/challenge. You have until May 11th to submit your own Diablo-themed recipe!
* GameTrailers posted part one of their four part Diablo retrospective series. This 1st installment covers how Diablo came to be after some happenstance encounters between the Schaeffer brothers and David Brevik.
* Scythe and Shield episode three released awhile back where Dred sat down with community members Cybrwolf and 9pad to discuss the state of hardcore in Diablo III Reaper of Souls.
* Speaking of GrindEXP, there’s a new contributing editor over at the site that you may know. Jamie, aka JCMonkey, has become GrindEXP’s hardcore Diablo III columnist; his first column being Monkeying Around in Hardcore.
* Sibcoe of Red Team Gaming is back with episode 22 of his State of Diablo III series. He covers a variety of topics including the future of the series and his aspirations to take the show weekly! Be sure to also check out his short video covering the Rift it Forward community and as well as his editorial, Have You Hit a Progression Wall?
* Prominent podcasting phenom Scott Johnson has recently decided to dip his toes into the Diablo-podcasting pool with The Diablo Show! He plans on doing the show in a season format, so give the show a listen!
* Archon the Wizard and Neinball have Westmarch Workshop in full swing! Be sure to check out two of their most recent episodes: “Perma Archon” and “Community Week” and be sure to tune in live (most) Wednesday nights!
* JCMonkey has published episode 2 of the Subsequent Heroes, his Diablo-themed comic strip. Be sure to check it out and give him some feedback!
* If you’re looking for some IRL Diablo loot, MusterBrand recently announced their new Diablo line of loot! Show your Diablo loot-deviant pride with some sweet gear!
* If you prefer to keep your loot addiction in-game and have been wondering which legendary items can be found only in Torment, community manager Nevalistis chimed in on a thread over on the official forums laying out what only drops in Torment.
* During the show we mentioned a Reaper of Souls machinima titled “Frozen Time” by Malu. It is simply stunning, we’re sure you’ll agree.
* ShackNews recently sat down with Production Director John Hight and Music Director Derek Duke to discuss the future of Reaper of Souls as well as the development involved on producing Diablo III’s first expansion. You can read that article here.
* If you can’t get enough Diablo lore Blizzard recently released a short story, The Orphan and the Jeweler by Gavin Jurgens-Fyhrie, and an eBook, Morbed by Mickey Neilson ($1.99 US on the Amazon Kindle store).
* Tatasinke is back with another edition of his newspaper, the New Tristram News. Check it out and subscribe!
Song of the Show:
Calling in an audible this episode’s song of the show hails from a completely different game. Pilgrims on a Long Journey is a hauntingly beautiful piece from Ubisoft’s Child of Light game (available on virtually EVERYTHING). You can pick up the soundtrack here and buy Child of Light for $15 on PC (Steam/uPlay), Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360, or Xbox One … phew!
Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to
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