Show notes originally posted by Nevik
In our 94th episode, we are down Jen and Lanntonio but fret not as the odd couple of Nevik and Breja hold down the fort. With Season 3 completed, Patch 2.3 deployed, and season 4 just around the corner we get straight to business and talk about what we’ve been up to: Breja finally had Kadala put out and Nevik has No Time for Losers.
In this episode:
- We read and respond to a bunch of emails from Funktropus, Master Do, Aahz, and Ttosk. Listener participation has been absolutely amazing and is primarily why we do this show, so keep them coming! We WILL get to all the emails we receive, even if occasionally we have to push a few to the next episode. Send in your stories of RNGesus triumph to!
- We received a huge amount of tweets from @Kagerai_Leblue, @Screech79, @Kherova, @Hawgeye_CTR, @LordShaper, @eG_acefisher1, @LtLunatic22, @sastewart111, @NeinballGamer, @Hasteur, @xSyneKx, and even @CM_Nevalistis! Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
- Do you like cross-game promotions? We inquired on Twitter your thoughts on the Heroes of the Storm and Diablo 3 promotions. Be sure to follow the show account, @ShatteredStone, on Twitter for future Questions of the Show.
- PATCH 2.3 IS HERE! As you might imagine we spend a lot of time discussing our experiences with the new patch and run down the major features of it. Are you enjoying Patch 2.3? We sure are; feels like a mini-expansion wouldn’t you say?
- WE NEED YOUR HELP! Your participation can ensure that this fun segment makes an appearance every show. Send your Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater audio segments (or humorous forum threads) to
Links for you to Visit:
- If you’re looking to dig more into the Patch 2.3 changes DiabloFans published a comprehensive round up of everything in the patch. Or if you’re just looking for a quick primer, Curse Gaming published a 1 minute video covering the major features.
- If you’re looking for more detailed information on a few builds for a variety of classes Deadset Gaming has you covered with a Reddit post linking to his various class guides for Patch 2.3.
- With the addition of Torment VII-X Blizzard was kind enough to provide us with the numerical modifiers for the new difficulty levels. There are other modifiers, however, and published an article with rough estimates as to those values.
- If you’re more visually inclined, Reddit user DwarvesAtWork tossed the difficulty modifiers into a handy graph. Wow, that escalated quickly!
- Holy Hermit is back with another installment of his yet un-named Diablo III podcast. This time he is joined by Nastuma_Z and Deadset Gaming and they discuss their experiences with the PTR prior to the announcement of when season 3 would end.
- Looking to hit 70 as quickly as possible? Blizzpro has an article that provides a bunch pointers to help you accomplish the climb. You can also check out Rhykker’s Youtube video of 18 leveling tips.
- Finally we leave you with an amazing map of Tristram laser-etched on wood.
Image courtesy of Kotaku, Gawker Media Inc.
Other Entertainment/Games:
- We get our zombie outbreak on and discuss the pilot episode of Fear the Walking Dead.
Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to
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