Show notes originally posted by Nevik
In this long awaited episode, we are again without our sexy-voiced Breja on account of fun-family-hijinks. After dusting off the mics we get down to business by discussing what we’ve been up to in-game: Lanntonio is still without great ‘net access and has stuck to Hearthstone, Jen nibbled on some chocolate, and Nevik finally got his barbarian up to 70 on the beta.
In this episode:
* We read, and respond to, a mountain of emails we received from our wonderful listeners. This batch included a double-dose from our French Ambassador Master Do, wizard extraordinaire Jaetch, a voice mail from the oft-zombified Rilandune . Thank you for the emails and voice mail! Keep them coming, really!
* We received tweets from @scanline75, @Torrack1714, @JCMonkeyD3, @Cybrwolf0, @razzlebe, @GENERAL00, and @Kagerai_Leblue. Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.

* Due to our unplanned brief hiatus from recording we have decided to push out the deadline for the 100 Word Story Contest! Submit your Diablo-themed 100 word stories for a chance to win prizes including Nate Kenyon’s book, Diablo III: Storm of Light, a Shattered Soulstone t-shirt, and a Cute But Deadly figure set autographed by all four hosts of the show! Send your 100 word story to with “100 Word Story Contest” in the subject line by 11:59pm PST on March 21st to be considered for the 100 Word Story Contest. How many more times can we fit “100 Word Story” in to this paragraph?
* After not having recorded an episode for nearly a month you can rest assured that there was a lot of discussion on the recent changes made on the Beta/PTR servers. From legacy enchanting to bounty rewards Nevik shared his opinions on how Reaper of Souls is shaping up.
* Earlier this month we saw the release of Nate Kenyon’s second foray into the Diablo universe with Diablo III: Storm of Light setting up the events leading into the Reaper of Souls expansion. Be sure to check out /r/Diablo’s Thunderclaww’s review of Storm of Light and interview with author Nate Kenyon and Blizzard Publishing Lead Mickey Neilson.
Links for you to Visit:
* Blizzard in conjunction with Deviant Art are holding a Diablo III fan art contest with some pretty sweet prizes. Be sure to check out the rules, requirements and prizes announced on the official Diablo III website.
* In case you needed more convincing of picking up Diablo III: Storm of Light Youtube sensation Jesse Cox sat down with Nate Kenyon and Mickey Neilson to talk about Nate’s latest novel.
* Archon (the wizard) and Neinball from the BlizzPro network also had an opportunity to interview Nate Kenyon and Mickey Neilson about Nate Kenyon’s Storm of Light.
* Our good friend and wizard extraordinaire Jaetch shared some hilarity that recently happened in the official wizard forums. It all starts off with a post titled: “[Guide] Wizard AH3 for Better or Worse” which was trolled by Wired. Somehow the fun didn’t end there and ended up spilling into an entirely different and unrelated thread. Jaetch also highly recommends checking out Changbooster’s first and second post in the thread.
* If you’re looking for a Monk build to try out once Reaper of Souls goes live in late March check out LastSoul’s Lightning Monk.
* With patch 2.0.1 on the horizon you might be interested in a Barbarian build that will work at the new highest difficulty setting, Torment VI. Providing that you hit a massive lucky streak you might be able to take KAuss Storm’s Whirlwind barb out for a SPIN.
* Tatasinke is back with another edition of his newspaper, the New Tristram News. Check it out and subscribe!
Song of the Show:
Everyone loves to remix the Tristram theme and I don’t think we could ever possibly get sick of hearing them. This time we bring you Pascal Michael Stiefel’s (otherwise known as Plasma 3 Music) Tristram theme remixed and retooled to fit within the Diablo III cinematic trailer. To hear more from Plasma 3 Music be sure to check out his Soundcloud page and YouTube channel.
Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to
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