Show notes originally posted by Nevik
In this episode, we’re down a Breja after a medical scare over the weekend, but after reassuring everyone that everyone is okay we then get down to business by discussing what we’ve been up to in-game: Nevik is slowly making progress with his special HC wizard, Lanntonio now has a hardcore puke doctor, and Jen fired some bolts into the cold dead (again) corpse of the Skeleton King in Nightmare.
In this episode:
* We read, and respond to, another mountain of emails we received from our wonderful listeners. This batch comes to us from Str8UpJack, Torrack, Daws and Rilandune. Thank you for the email! Keep them coming, really!
* We received tweets from @Rilandune, @9PadGaming, @Torrack1714, @shawno, @scanline75, and our very own @QueenofHaiku. Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
* With E3 having come and gone we spend some time discussing the console version of Diablo III set to unleash hell on the couch later this year on September 3rd. Check out the Multiplayer trailer as well as an All Access interview with Game Director, Josh Mosquiera and Production Director, John Hight
* As prompted by our dear listener, Str8UpJack, we reminisce on features of old that we miss as well as some that we don’t miss from Diablo I and Diablo II. What features do you miss, or not miss?
* “Ladder Resets” is tossed around every now and then as a potential fix to the spiraling economy in Diablo III so we, after a very verbose prompting by our good friend Rilandune, try to explain what a ladder reset is and how it could address some of the issues.
Links for you to Visit:
* If you’re looking forward to the console version of Diablo III and planning on picking it up for the Playstation 3 you might want to consider pre-ordering it to gain access to some bonus items? What bonus items? Check out Blizzard’s blog post to find out what you’ll get for pre-ordering as well as some Playstation exclusive items you can expect to find.

* It has been quite some time since we’ve mentioned Matthew Rossi’s supremely impressive dissection of the Diablo III storyline. We highly recommend reading his thoughts presented in his blog post, Diablo 3, gnostic overtones, and the plot threads.
* In our console discussion we digressed just long enough to mention the Xbox One(Eighty) and Nevik mentioned a scathing article posted on a public-facing military news site titled “A Sin Against All Service Members“. The article is now moot, but you can still check out the web-cache of it to see the ramifications of an “always online” device for our military service members stationed abroad.
* “Oh Ffffffuuuuuuuddddgggggeeeee” always a classic quote from the greatest Christmas movie ever made.
* During our discussion of death penalties, Jen mentioned an old MMO she used to play called Meridian 59. If you’re curious, it is free to play, but is extremely dated – check it out if you wish.
* Tatasinke is back with another edition of his newspaper, the New Tristram News. Check it out and subscribe!
Song of the Show:
For this episode we go back to Diablo’s roots with a remix of the track you would hear in Tristram from Diablo I. Tristram Village Remix is an amazing piece by Soundcloud user Drugis. Unfortunately his account seems to have been abandoned, but maybe someday we’ll hear something new from him.
Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to
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