Show notes originally posted by Nevik
In this episode, Nevik and Jen are joined by Lanntonio to fill in for Breja while he was off in the Magic Kingdom Disney’ng it up. We begin the show as we usually do and discuss what we’ve been up to in-game: Jen finally downed Belial! Yay! Nevik pushed his monk to level 60 and has been playing his hardcore wizard, and Lanntonio has succumb to the barbarian, fully almost completely.
In this episode:
* We read, and respond to, another mountain of email! We are continually honored and touched to receive your emails, keep them coming! This batch came from: Kurly, Dr Mojo, Naer, Collosus, Commander Bird and Ice Falcon.
* Spurred on by multiple emails the topic of the auction house is brought up quite a bit including its impact on our gameplay as well as some tips on using it.
* We talk about the recent security breach of Blizzard’s networks and what steps everyone should take to make sure that their account is secure.
* We got our first sneak peak into patch 1.0.4 with the General Systems Preview provided to us by Senior Technical Game Designer Wyatt Cheng. It has the hosts pretty excited for what is to come, how about you?
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* Dr Mojo and friends put together a hilarious “documentary” of a witch doctor coping and living with married life in suburbia. Nevik and Jen found it hilarious though not particularly appropriate for small child, watch at your own discretion.
You can find more from Dr Mojo on his website, twitter, and youtube channel.
* Our good friend Rho has a new blog where you can find the final two installments (for now) of his thoughts and opinions on Act IV and epilogue of Diablo 3. As stated previously, his thoughts are spoiler-ridden so read at your discretion.
* With Rho’s opinions of Diablo 3’s story now concluded, it would also be a good time to share Matthew Rossi’s thoughts once more as a counter-point.
* With the release of the character profiles a new website as sprung into existence utilizing the profile API to generate worldwide player rankings. Visit to see where you stack up!
* Speaking of the character profiles going live, Nevik wrote up an article about the feature for our blog. Check it out!
* Flux over at Diablo incgamers wrote an interesting article comparing the itemization differences between legendary helms in Diablo II and III. Definitely some food for thought.
Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to
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