Diablo Gaming Night #3

Show notes originally posted by Nevik

I know, I know. It’s been awhile since our last gaming night. Things happen, hosts get busy. It happens right? Nonetheless we couldn’t miss out on an opportunity to beta-it-up with our wonderful listeners after Blizzard unexpectedly announced an OPEN BETA weekend.

Many laughs were had throughout the night and fortunately for us the beta servers remained stable enough for us to get a full run-through down to the Skeleton King. — though they came down almost immediately after. Our discussions varied quite a bit, as they tend to, so don’t hold it against us if we didn’t talk Diablo all night ^^.

We heard plenty of new voices on Mumble during the gaming night with RhoWoW, Smokimus and Zestyclam joining us for the first time ever. We were also joined by Lanntonio, Chaos and the bane of Nevik’s existence Rilandune.

If you couldn’t join us do not be troubled. Not only will there will be plenty of gaming nights after Diablo III finally launches, but we are also collecting and sharing BattleTags so that we all may game together when hell freezes over Diablo III launches.

Our next gaming night will likely occur the weekend following, so mark your calendars and clear your schedules! We look forward to looting for really reals with all of you really soon!

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