The Shattered Soulstone podcast has now reached ten episodes! This is something of a milestone in podcasting. There are plenty of well-intentioned podcasts that fade away before they reach episode number ten. In gaming terms, we have just earned our first major “achievement”.
Nevik, Breja, and Jen would like to thank all of our listeners for giving Shattered Soulstone a try, for continuing to listen, and for giving us plenty of feedback. We couldn’t do the show without you!
Episode Topics
* We read, and responded to, an email from Kurly. Send us an email with your thoughts, comments, and questions, and we will read it in a future episode of Shattered Soulstone.
* We decided to extend the deadline for our Valentines For Diablo contest. Have you entered it yet? Give it a try! You could win some very cool irl loot.
* We discuss Jen’s blog “What is Mr. February?”. This is the second part of the series that describes the significance of the artwork that is in the 2012 Diablo 3 wall calendar. Stay tuned for next month’s blog!
* We highly recommend that you check out The Diablo Podcast episode 59, for a great debate about the changes that came from Beta Patch 13.
* We discuss the new Skill Calculator. You can play along at home!
* We share news from Jay Wilson regarding the changes to skill runes, and more.
* Here are the Beta Patch 13 Patch Notes.
* Changes have been made to the Beta Auction House.
* What happens when a writer rolls a zero on the detect sarcasm skill…twice!
* 40 minutes of content + played it for seven hours = Success!
* Another awesome Diabolesques comic from Calavera666
* Go here to get the D3 wallpaper that we were talking about. It is called “Bloody Battle”, and it is beautiful!