Show notes originally posted by Vespertilio
Shazam made his final push in the last moments of season 17. He was able to climb just a little higher and he even made it in the top 200 on both Hardcore and Softcore leaderboards!
Deadgreed didn’t play too much Diablo this week. He spent most of his time playing No Man’s Sky. Even so, he has finally figured out his plan for Season 18. Greed will be coming in with a Witch Doctor. After sharing a little about that he goes into sharing the Patch Notes for Season 18.
If you would like to see them goof off while recording the show, you can find the episode here on YouTube!
In this episode:
- Shazam makes his last push
- Deadgreed play No Man’s Sky
- Patch Notes for Season 18 are explained
- Season 17 Ended
- Jen’s Lore Corner episodes can be found at Book of Jen.
- Deadgreed and Shazam talk about other media.
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