Show notes originally posted by Vespertilio
Shazam had some computer issues this week so he doesn’t have too much in the way of gaming to talk about. His computer is fixed up now though and he is able to get back into the game.
Deadgreed shares his plans for season 18. He is a little burned out on the Witch Doctor so he came up with a new plan after looking at the characters and what is new. What character, what builds, what gear.
If you would like to see them goof off while recording the show, you can find the episode here on YouTube!
In this episode:
- Shazam has computer issues
- Deadgreed shares his plans for season 18
- New in games goodies for those who have pre-ordered Warcraft 3 Remastered
- Season 17 Ending soon
- Jen’s Lore Corner episodes can be found at Book of Jen.
- Deadgreed and Shazam talk about other media.
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