Show notes originally posted by Nevik
In this episode, we are once again whole and no longer lost with our 4th Musketeer, Lanntonio, returning. After waking him up (football talk seems to put him to sleep, who knew?) we get down to business by discussing what we’ve been up to in-game: Nevik has been Breaking Bad, Breja has been exploring a Timeless Isle, Lanntonio has been pulling a few Brejas, and Jen is nearing the end of Inferno!
In this episode:
* We read, and respond to, a duo of emails we received from our wonderful listeners. This batch comes to us from Commander Bird and Master Do. Thank you for the emails! Keep them coming, really!
* We received tweets from @Hidasan, @Torrack1714, @JCMonkeyD3, @razzlebe, @the_ilude, @Valkomar, and @Unified44. Thank you for your tweets. Don’t forget that you, too, can send in your thoughts via social media outlets such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
* We posed a question on Twitter inquiring if you have tried out the console versions of Diablo III and your thoughts if you had. Be sure to follow our show account, @ShatteredStone, on Twitter for future Questions of the Show.
* With the announcement of Blizzard’s intention to shut down both auction houses (gold and real money) we naturally had a lot to say. We discuss both the positive and negative impacts of such an action and what significance the date could hold.
* For our third installment of the newest segment to the show, Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater, we mix things up with TWO posts from the Official Diablo III forums deserving a reenactment. We are hoping that this new segment inspires some of our listeners to record themselves reenacting some gems from the forums that they find. If this strikes your fancy, send your Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater audio segments to
This episode’s Official Forum Thread Masterpiece Theater segment bed music included Rondeau from Sinfonie de Fanfares by Jean-Joseph Mouret and Pannonia Boundless by Alexandra Vrebalov.
Links for you to Visit:
* Blizzcon is quickly approaching and the entire crew will be appearing at World of Podcasts as panelists. If you’re unable to make the trip down to Anaheim to be at Blizzcon make sure to pick up the Virtual Ticket so you don’t miss out on the action at the con.
* Author Nate Kenyon has been hard at work on a new novel titled Diablo: Storm of Light that should help bridge Diablo III Chocolate and Reaper of Souls. We can’t wait for February to get here so we can dig in to it.
* Comedian and late night show host Conan O’Brien had a chance to play the conosle version of Diablo III and encountered some very … interesting … voice-overs. Fortunately he was rolling when it happened so we can all experience the odd VOs he encountered.
* Earlier this year Blizzard made a large donation to the Extra Life foundation and the folks over at Extra Life have come up with a clever way to distribute those funds to local hospitals through the Diablo Extra Life Challenge. Get involved and help your local children’s hospital today!
* Penny Arcade is back with another tribute to Diablo III (on PS3 and Xbox 360) with a series of comic strips by guest artist Katie Rice. They’re quite hilarious, check them out!
* Tatasinke is back with another edition of his newspaper, the New Tristram News. Check it out and subscribe!
Have a Diablo III related comment, question, story, or rant that you’d like to share with all of us? Send your email, or short audio comment, to
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Are you fine folks still doing podcasts? I really miss them, please consider doing one soon. Thanks. Dan
As a matter of fact episode 50 should be released very shortly.