Show notes originally posted by Vespertilio
Dreadscythe joins Shazam for this episode of the Shattered Soulstone! He has been a little burnt out with Diablo but he has played this week more then he expected to. He got his gear and has been pumping out greater rift 95’s with speed in his group.
Shazam was thinking about playing a wizard but is having second thoughts. He doesn’t know what else to play outside his Demon Hunter. Bloodshards, no problem, crafting mats, no problem, paragon, no problem. Rolling a new character isn’t very hard for him right now.
More Diablo books are being added to Audible with additional ones planned for the future! If you want to know the lore of what went on in the past, check these books out. Dreadscythe brings up the Diablo 4 looks like it will have more of a focus on lore from the past. Will that mean the books will be more relevant in regards to the game?
If you would like to see them goof off while recording the show, you can find the episode here on YouTube!
In this episode:
- Dreadscythe and Shazam go through their weeks in gaming
- Diablo Books on Audible
- Talk about game developers
- Jen’s Lore Corner episodes can be found at Book of Jen.
- Shazam talks about other media.
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